Tablets for classroom differentiation and inclusion
Erasmus+ Project Key Action 2
The Tablio-project aims to strengthen teachers and school in realising classroom differentiation and inclusion by the means of tablets and other mobile devices.
All outputs were developed in the period 2017 - 2019 in close cooperation with teachers, schools, teachers educators and student-teachers. Design-based research with teacher design teams was the core methodology throughout the project.
This website contains a design toolkit, containing a concept map, design-principles, lists of apps and templates. Additionally this website comprises innovative pedagogical arrangements for differentiation and inclusion with tablets. These are all under the 'good practices'-section. The practices resulted from the several countries that were part of the Tablio-project.
The following organisations are part of the project consortium:
- PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Belgium (lead partner)
- Institut za Napredno Upravljanje Komunikacij, Slovenia
- Istanbul University, Turkey
- iXperium Expertise center Learning with ICT, Netherlands
- Tell Consult, Netherlands
- North-West Regional College, Northern-Ireland
- CESIE, Italy

FLTR: Martin Peoples (NWRC), Tuncer Can (Istanbul University), Ton Koenraad (TELL Consult), Darja Ivanusa Kline (INUK), Hanne Rosius (PXL), Wouter Hustinx (PXL, project leader), Chiara Venturella (CESIE), Emna Miled (CESIE), Kieran McCartney (NWRC), Irfan Simsek (Istanbul University)
Not in the picture: Pierre Gorissen (Ixperium)